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#43512 - When he was finished he asked, Do you mind if I take a quick shower, I feel pretty grimy after carrying that heavy suitcase in this heat? No, go right ahead, answered Vic, I'm just going to lie down and take a nap until dinner! Vic slid into his bunk and was about to turn his back to the room when out of the corner of his eye she saw Seth stripping out of his things right in the middle of the compartment!!! Trying to act as natural as possible, Vic watched the young man until he was standing there totally nude! Seth Kilmer had an incredible body, long and lean, with not a hint of fat, and a long thick cock hanging between his taut thighs. It's all yours,” Seth offered, his naked body still dripping wet from his shower! Vic was now staring openly at Seth's body, but for some reason he didn't care whether Seth saw him or not! Seth noticed the look on Vic's face and said, What's the matter, am I offending you!?! Not at all, Vic almost too quickly

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