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#264578 - Turning to Sherry signing for a few minutes. When I’m ready I hop the bus and make it to the Urston’s at 11: 58. “Hey look you done!” then holds the door open “Hey Joe can you believe this they’re in her tossing lettuce all over the floor!” Joe comes in ,spotting a large shard of glass “What happened here?” he staring straight at me “Well i asked you a question!” Sherry jumps in “You stupid friend Keith just rammed the door open and knocked the bowl out of Teri’s hand that’s what and can the attitude, you know she’s a mute!” I could tell he forgot and that he was trying to cover it up when he turned to Keith “Hey get the broom and dustpan and help clean up will you?” “Why it’s the dummy’s fault not mine? Keith blurts out.

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