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#382978 - When I put my finger into my cunt hole and then brought it to my mouth and sucked it, a jet of cum spurted from his cock and hit me right in the eye and before I could react it was followed by two more which landed on my nose. It was long, smooth and slim with a large purplish knob and, I can tell you, it got my juices flowing as I imagined what he could do with it! Now I was trembling with excitement and a little fear about what would happen. When I was down to my bra and panties I suddenly pulled open the door and laughed at Dan almost falling on his face into the bathroom.

Read Tight Ass She claimed she was my Ex Spa She claimed she was my Ex

Most commented on Tight Ass She claimed she was my Ex Spa

My goal in life is to look outside my window and see some action like this across the street
Erio touwa
Put it back in momma
Dwight fairfield
Love the facial and thong fucking as usual keep it up